Construction Services

Our legal services are as follows

1. Construction Contract Review, Negotiation & Drafting

92 Lex shall assist in drafting a contract that is legally valid, accounts for proper notice requirements, includes reasonable expectations, accounts for site conditions, details insurance requirements, builds in scheduling delays & other unforeseen circumstances and if a business already has a contract in place, a construction lawyer can also create revisions to the contract. The firm provides advice and assistance regarding contract negotiation and drafting, and counseling on how to best select the most appropriate project delivery systems such as the traditional design – bid – build, design – build, integrated project delivery. The firm has expertise in the various families of construction documents including the PEC Contract Documents and FIDIC. We provide the following services:

  • Bid Protests
  • Bid Qualifications
  • Bonding
  • Contract and Purchase Order Drafting
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Human Resource Guidance
  • Insurance
  • Risk Management
  • Project Delivery Methods
  • Proposal Preparation
  • Zoning

2. Protecting Payments of the Construction Project:

92 Lex ensures the contractor gets the full payment promised and the terms of the contract cover all costs incurred, such as labor, equipment, and materials. We may take civil action to recover unpaid sums. The firm can also file liens and claims against a payment bond to cover private and public projects. 92 Lex can also defend individuals who have had a claim for payment brought against them. The firms offer guidance to project owners and managers with respect to procuring financing for any possible construction projects. The firm also offers risk assessment & management throughout the planning and execution stages of the project.

3. Construction Claims

92 Lex provide services for the following construction claims:

a. Construction Delay Claims: Delay claims arise when unforeseen circumstances push a project past the initial agreed-upon deadline. Consequently, this disrupts the intended schedule. There are lots of causes for delays. These include defective plans or permit approvals to factors beyond our control, such as weather. These claims lead to financial or productivity loss on the client’s side.

b. Damage Claims: If a contractor causes any damage to the property while completing the project, the client may hold them liable for this damage by filing a damage claim. If a subcontractor causes damage, you might be responsible for the damage if they don’t have insurance coverage.

c. Price Acceleration Claims: Price acceleration claims occur when the expected project budget increases to complete the job on time or early. The client is the one to file the claim since they’re the ones who carry the costs of the expedited work.

d. Differing Site Conditions Claims: When the actual condition of the project site differs from what the client conveyed in the contract, a different site conditions claim could arise. For example, if the client said the job site is grass and the contractor shows up to a sandpit. In this case, it’s going to be more expensive to build the foundation on the sand. When this happens, the general contractor will file the claim.

4. Continuous Counseling & Advice to design professionals

The firm offers practical guidance regarding any needs and challenges, risks and rewards, and liabilities and duties of each of the parties involved in the construction process, with particular emphasis on design delivery and implementation methods, construction and project financing, and project development.

5. Litigating Construction cases

The firm provides comprehensive construction legal representation throughout all stages of the litigation process. We represent a variety of clients including residential and commercial project owners, construction managers, design professionals, contractors, and subcontractors through trial and post-trial motions, as well as on appeal.

6. Obtaining Licensing

Requirements for licensing may change over time. 92 Lex can provide necessary assistance in navigating licensing laws. We can help fulfill application requirements and offer representation before review boards and can also address complaints if problems arise.

7. Dispute and Conflict Resolution

The firm assists the construction project stakeholders in resolving disputes throughout the duration of the construction process using methods such as mediation as well as non-binding and binding arbitration. We provide the following services:

  • Appeals
  • Arbitration
  • Bond Claims
  • Case Evaluations
  • Complex Litigation
  • Design & Construction Claims
  • Delay, Disruption Claims
  • Acceleration & Impact Claims
  • Inefficiency Claims
  • Dispute Resolution Board Claims
  • Expert Witness Consultation
  • Indemnity Claims
  • Insurance Claims
  • Labor and Employment Claims
  • Liens
  • Mediation
  • Payment Disputes
  • Settlement Negotiations
  • Warranty Issues

8. Construction Project Implementation

The firm assists project participants with legal issues that arise for project stakeholders at all stages of the construction execution process and provides practical advice on managing construction risks to minimize unwarranted liabilities.

9. Liens, Surety Bonds, Insurance

The firm supports construction project participants with all legal and non-legal options pertaining to insurance coverage and disputes, sureties, mechanics liens, and construction bonds. 92 Lex can represent a contractor, subcontractor, or property owner to file, respond to claim disputes, or discharge claims of lien. Additionally, 92 Lex can help a claimant through all aspects of the process, including developing, serving, and filing claims while preparing the correct documentation. Once a claim is clear, we can assist with litigation to resolve the cause of a dispute. We may also attempt to obtain recoveries if two parties can't settle a dispute.

10. Terminating Contracts

92 Lex can defend claimants in case of wrongful termination or prevent wrongful termination from happening in the first place. If a contract needs termination, we can determine justifiable termination while ensuring that all parties follow proper procedures to ensure termination is successful. Moreover, we can also represent the parties in subsequent arbitration or litigation.

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